Lars seems to be 6'0 tall because he is taller then Tim and Tim is 5'11.
Lars Berteig Andersen is 184 cm.
Lars Brandeby's birth name is Lars Thorsten Brandeby.
Lars Damoiseaux was born in Netherlands.
Lars Hinneburg was born in 1965.
His uncle is Owen Lars and his aunt is Beru Lars (nee Whitesun)
The cast of Sandzeit - 2005 includes: Lars Havemann Lea Schilling
Florian Havemann was born in 1952.
The cast of Die erste Nacht - 2003 includes: Lars Havemann as Man at the door Christian Uhrich as Gejagter
Uljana Havemann was born in 1973, in Berlin, Germany.
Robert Havemann was born on March 11, 1910.
Robert Havemann was born on March 11, 1910.
Lars Ranthe is 5' 5".
Lars Selfors is 185 cm.
Lars Rudolph is 172 cm.
Lars Schmidtke is 176 cm.
Lars Kalusky is 193 cm.
Lars Korten is 192 cm.