hairspray was written in 1834
it was written in 1986
Harry A. Raum has written: 'Affinity'
It was written by "The Plain White Tee`s :) peace
Harry Edward Jones has written: 'Grandpa Trout'
The author of "Lanval" is Marie de France, a medieval poet known for her contribution to French literature. "Lanval" is one of the lais (short narrative poems) she wrote in the 12th century.
The cast of Sir Lanval - 2009 includes: Jennifer Dawn Williams as Aurora Ian Hencher as Sir Lanval Lori MacFadyen as Tryamour Mark Vernon Freestone as King Arthur
yes yes she did
Ian Hencher has: Played Sir Lanval in "Sir Lanval" in 2009. Played David - student in "A Dance for Grace" in 2010. Played Adrian in "A Poem for Lovers" in 2012. Played Young man in "The Timekillers" in 2013. Played Neville Rumble in "Neville Rumble" in 2013.
Marie de France has written two beautiful lays called Bisclavret and Lanval. The two are famous for their fantasy story line. As one may know, courtly love was pretty popular in literature in the middle ages. Of course, France had to keep up with all of the other authors of her time, and these books happened to have the theme of courtly love tied into them. Marie de France's Bisclarvet and Lanval are wonderful examples of courtly love because they show how courtly love should be private, loyal, and respectful.
Yes, written constitutions are always written.
it was written in1814.
Yes, it often is (written language, written instructions). Written is the past participle of the verb to write (e.g. I have written).
Well if you think about it- neither one is correct as it would be: To whom have you written to. or What have you written. or It says that you have written..... I hope this helped xx
Why not, It was written because it wanted to be written.
Have you written it? Prophecy is written in bible.
"You have written ...." is the grammatically correct version of the above choices.However, you could also say "You wrote ....".Either "You have written" or "You wrote" is correct.