Gunilla Backman was born on June 18, 1965, in Stockholm, Stockholms ln, Sweden.
Gunilla von Post died in 2011.
Elin Elgestad's birth name is Elin Birgitta Gunilla Bertilsdotter.
Betty Jo Bradley was played by Linda Kaye . The role of Bobbie Jo Bradley was played by both Pat Woodell and Lori Saunders . Billie Jo Bradley had been played by Jeannine Riley , Gunilla Hutton and Meredith MacRae .
The following main characters are still alive : Betty Jo Bradley who was played by Linda Kaye ,Bobbie Jo Bradley who played by both Pat Woodell and Lori Saunders , Billie Jo Bradley who was played by both Jeannine Riley and Gunilla Hutton and last , Steve Elliott who was Mike Minor .
The cast of Am Rande der Saison - 1980 includes: Klaus Bamberg Oswald Foerderer Harald Halgardt Wolfgang Ostberg
Toni Dahlman was born on 1979-09-03.
James Dahlman was born on 1856-12-15.
Jenni Dahlman was born on 1981-10-27.
Noah Dahlman was born on 1989-04-04.
Mats Dahlman was born on June 14, 1964, in Sweden.
Albert Gustaf Dahlman was born on February 17, 1848.
Gunilla Wahlén was born in 1951.
Gunilla Röör was born in 1959.
Gunilla Florby was born in 1943.
Gunilla Süssmann was born in 1977.
Gunilla Svärd was born in 1970.
Gunilla Tjernberg was born in 1950.