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Cardcaptor Sakura was created in 1998.

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Haruhi Suzumiya was created in 2007.

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Q: When was Cardcaptor Sakura created?
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Related questions

What is the real title of Cardcaptor Sakura movie 1?

"Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie" is the title .

How many movies does cardcaptor sakura have?

Four : 1) Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie , 2) Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card , 3) Leave it to Kero! Theatrical Version (movie) and 4) Suteki desu wa, Sakura-chan! Tomoyo no Cardcaptor Sakura Katsuyaku Video Nikki! (OAV) .

When does Cardcaptor Sakura capture the Arrow card?

Sakura captures the Arrow Card in the first film, known simply as Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie.

Where can you play cardcaptor sakura?

in animax

What manga has people called li and sakura?

Cardcaptor Sakura by CLAMP.

Who is sakura kinimoto?

Sakura Kinimoto is an anime character from a manga/anime called cardcaptor sakura

What has the author Joan Navarro written?

Joan Navarro has written: 'Cardcaptor Sakura 6' 'Bardissa de foc' 'Tria personal' 'Grills esmolen ganivets a trenc de por' 'Magrana' 'Cardcaptor Sakura 4' 'Drumcondra' 'Cardcaptor Sakura 10'

Who sings platinum from cardcaptor sakura?

Maaya Sakamoto

What episode in cardcaptor sakura did Fujitaka Kinomoto went to sakura's school?

i believe that was episode 12 :)

What are old anime shows that used cards?

Cardcaptor Sakura .

Where can you play free online Cardcaptor Sakura games?


Where can you play cardcaptor sakura games online?

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