Brian Anthony Jackson was born in 1960.
Brian Jackson - musician - was born in 1952.
Brian Normoyle was born on November 26, 1977, in Jackson, Michigan, USA.
The duration of The Brian Jackson Show is 1740.0 seconds.
The Brian Jackson Show was created on 2009-03-14.
Brian Kendrick's manager is Ezekiel Jackson.
Brian Jackson has written: 'Education and the working class' -- subject- s -: Social conditions, Education
Brian May never played guitar in any of Michael Jackson's songs.
Brian John Jackson has written: 'Computer programming in the classroom' -- subject(s): Computer programming
Ezekiel Jackson
The cast of The Brian Jackson Show - 2009 includes: Gemma Harvey as Crystal Kiltgaard
Directed by Brian Flemming Produced by Brian Flemming & Amanda Jackson Written by Brian Flemming