The song is Boulevard Of Broken Dreams sung by Tony Bennett
It's Andy Lee
Andy IS a girl.
Andy Sixx was his youtube name!
Andy Palacio's birth name is Andy Vivien Palacio.
St. Abbs, Scotland1 June 1985
The cast of Broken Boy Soldier - 2013 includes: Andy Manning as Andy Taylor Stanley as Taylor
Andy Clemmensen's Phone is not broken and did not ever brake...
Yes, they are.
As of 2011, Andy Six is quite skinny. However, it is rumored that when he was in his early teens, Andy was overweight. Please see the Related Link below for a picture of him currently.
The song is Boulevard Of Broken Dreams sung by Tony Bennett
Jimmy Kimmel Live - 2003 Andy Garcia Chef Norman Van Aken Broken Bells 12-15 was released on: USA: 29 January 2014
Some of the famous stars that have the first name Andy are Andy Milonakis, Andy Griffin and Andy Warhol. Some others are Andy Garcia and Andy Rooney.
Nutcracker ( not Nutcracker suite- one of the songs-arias) probably comes the closest. the idea of a broken toy requiring more love is a common one in Fairy tales and spin-offs such as the defective Raggedy Anne and Andy.
andy todd hes soooooo cool here is some more info= Andy Todd = = Andy Todd = = Andy Todd = = Andy Todd == Andy Todd == Andy Todd == Andy Todd = = odd =
if you think about it Andy slater is Andy slater
An Andy can refer to Andy the Android Emulator, an emulator for Android.