AFLAC! You say it in a really high pitch voice.
Dana Daurey
He was fired in 2011 for telling Japanese jokes about the earthquake and tsunami.
I would also like to know. He looks like the same man in both commmercials.
Greg Wingard is CEO of a company called Simple Team Solutions. He has developed and trains employees from many companies, with a training program called the Red Bucket program. It's a 90 day program. He works with Aflac, Auto desk, Starbucks, Microsoft, and many other companies.
Aflac Building was created in 1975.
Aflac's population is 8,349.
AFL is the ticker for aflac.
The Aflac Duck's name is known as "Aflac Duck" or "Duck voice".
Aflac is not an entity that has a population in the traditional sense. Aflac is a Fortune 500 company that provides supplemental insurance in the United States and Japan.
In 2000 AFLAC began a television-advertising campaign featuring the AFLAC duck.
Not a reasonable question. AFLAC is an insurance company.
Only if you are insured by AFLAC.
The symbol for Aflac Incorporated in the NYSE is: AFL.
AFLAC! You say it in a really high pitch voice.
AFLAC is licensed to sell in every state.
Is tubal ligation cover as an aflac benifit