He was fired in 2011 for telling Japanese jokes about the earthquake and tsunami.
Charlie Sheen is the highest paid white actor.
She was not paid anything. Her husband was paid $1,250 for her work.
what kind of an idiot will think the artist get paid,all they get is expense paid trip and full luxury before the show...they never get paid for the show...
Yes they get paid by donations to the favorite charity.
How much does David Letterman get paid?
There is no "Salary" you get paid based on commission. Work hard and you will get paid handsome. IE: Aflac pays you 46% of the AP you write. write $100,000 worth of Annualized premium, aflac pays you $46,000 depending on the starter program you elect, your first year, you can choose 25% upfront and a little less on residuals. or 20% upfront and a little more in residuals. Residuals are monthly payments paid to you by AFLAC. the remaining 21% of your 46% commission. Write $100,000, get 46%. Get 25% of that within 48hrs of closing the group. $11,500 within 48hrs.
$75K average
Alec Guinness did very limited work in "The Empire Strikes Back" (voiceovers), but there is no confirmation of what he was paid.
Melissa Gilbert
AFLAC does not issue major medical policies. Most of the products that it sells are in the nature of policies that pay a fixed per diem amount for hospitalization, disability, or other covered occurrences. Therefore, assuming coverage applies, the amount that it will pay will be a function of the per diem benefit that you selected and paid for when applying.
As a newbie Aflac agent of only six months, I have had a pretty good experience with the company. To those who claim that Aflac is a scam that requires you to pay them money in order to work, I find that to be completely false. My State Insurance license for two lines only cost me $75. And that money spent has nothing to do with Aflac. E&O Insurance also has nothing to do with working for Aflac. I did buy business cards from them, or so I thought, turns out it not a knickel went to Aflac. I got a great price though. I did attend three classes for which I had to purchase tickets to fly to another island (I live in Hawaii). But they re-imbursed me for part or all of my airfare, put me up in a hotel and paid for my lunches while attending class. Still sounds like a scam? I had to pay for taxi fare, but they spent more on my trip than I did. I admit that selling Aflac can be tough, especially in this economy, like selling anything. And Aflac's has the largest feild force in the world, but they are the first ones to admit that. The only thing I've seen where anyone is asked to spend a good amount of money, is on their computers. The computers do come with Aflac's own tech support. But an agent is not required to buy one. You can still use paper apps. And there are some small cash incentives if they do buy the computer and graphics table. The bottom line is that Aflac is a company with a very good history of paying on their claims. And that is what I would first look at before going to work for them or any insurance company.
I believe the worlds greatest is a man called Phil Gilbert, he really is a driving god.
The short answer is, "Why not offer it"? 1. There's no direct cost to the employer since employees pay themselves for any benefits they may want. 2. In most cases, rates for employees are lower than the rates that the same employee would pay if he enrolled as a non-employee individual. 3. If the employer agrees to payroll deduct the payments from his employees that wish to enroll, many of the Aflac benefit plans are available on a pre-tax basis. 4. When benefits are paid through pre-tax payroll deduction that usually reduces the amout of payroll taxes a business has to pay. 5. Program administration time is minimal for businesses without a large turnover. Additional administration time is added when enrolled employees leave the company and when newly hired employees enroll with Aflac, but even that is just starting and/or removing a payroll deduction from the payroll system. 6. Aflac offers some very popular benefit plans that pay cash benefits at a time when a sick or injured employee needs it most. 7. There are testimonials on Aflac's home page (www.aflac.com), for anyone that may be interested. So - my question is, "why wouldn't an employer make these benefits available to their employees"?
If you are paid 3k, then it means that you are paid "$3000".
"P-a-i-d" is the correct spelling for the word "paid" as in "paid attention."
Not paid yet or still to be paid.