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Knock and enter without being told if the door is open, extend his greeting, and state his business.

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Q: When presenting himself to a senior an Officer should do what?
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What rank should a casualty assistant officer be?

These would be senior enlisted (E-7 and above) or any commissioned officer.

If an enlisted person is standing with an officer and another officer of lower rank walks up is the enlisted person required to return the lower ranked officers salute?

It's actually a bit tricky, but no - the enlisted member should salute the approaching officer after the senior officer has returned the junior's salute or as the junior officer approaches, assuming the senior officer diverts attention from the enlisted to return a salute rather than just acknowledge the salute by a nod. The junior will then return the enlisted member's salute after the senior officer has returned the junior's salute, and the enlisted should hold the salute to the junior officer until returned by the junior officer. However, if the enlisted is engaged in conversation with the senior officer, it is disrespectful to divert attention away from a senior officer to an approaching junior officer to salute. When it occurs, it usually it happens simultaneously when the situation warrants. Most senior officers don't like to be interrupted during a formal conversation (and it's disrespectful to do so unless it's warranted), so most avoid the situation altogether. It depends on the setting as well, e.g., formal or informal, indoors (yes, salutes are rendered indoors at certain functions) or outdoors, etc. Most of the time if a senior officer is engaged in conversation with a junior (enlisted or otherwise), unless it's urgent, the officer wishing to speak to the senior will wait until the senior is finished. If just passing by, the junior may salute the senior, at which point the senior may either acknowledge the salute by a nod, or return if appropriate.

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Yes it should be, if you mean the DC comics/film character. If you mean the serviceman acting as a personal servant to a senior officer, then no.

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The Senior Ranking Officer (SRO)

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The parole officer must comport himself firm but fair and at all times professional.

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No he doesn't have to tell you. However, if the off-duty officer is interacting with you in his official capacity, he must identify himself at that point

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You should be in the pay grade of E-5 thru E-7 (enlisted) and officer any grade. E-7 and above are Senior Non-Commissioned Officers not E-6s in the Army.

How many years must an officer or non-commissioned officer have before being selected for casualty assistance officer?

You should be in the pay grade of E-5 thru E-7 (enlisted) and officer any grade. E-7 and above are Senior Non-Commissioned Officers not E-6s in the Army.

How many years must an officer or non commissioned officer have before being selected for casualty assistance officer?

You should be in the pay grade of E-5 thru E-7 (enlisted) and officer any grade. E-7 and above are Senior Non-Commissioned Officers not E-6s in the Army.

How many years of service must an officer or non commissioned officer have before being selected for casualty assistance officer?

You should be in the pay grade of E-5 thru E-7 (enlisted) and officer any grade. E-7 and above are Senior Non-Commissioned Officers not E-6s in the Army.

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