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Becasue he is confronted by a group of virtually naked little boys who are sobbing noisily and have confessed that two other boys have been killed. As an officer in the British Royal Navy is is embarrassed to witness their tears both for himself and on their behalf too, as well brought up British boys should keep a stiff upper lip and should not cry. The boys are not conforming to the rules of the game.

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Q: Why does the officer turn away in embarrassment at the end of Lord of the Flies?
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How does the boys from Lord of the Flies control the flies?

The boys are savages, so they don't control the flies. Also, the lord of the flies is far away from castle rock, so they don't have to deal with it.

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Ralph sees the naval officer upon his arrival in the forest. The officer is part of the rescue party that has come to save the boys stranded on the island.

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In "Lord of the Flies," the character who leaves the group to go off on his own is Simon. He often seeks solitude and spiritual reflection in the jungle, away from the group's chaos and violence.

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Ralph is rescued in the novel "Lord of the Flies" when a naval officer arrives on the island after seeing the smoke from the fire. The officer finds Ralph hiding in the bushes and brings him back to civilization.

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Ralph runs away in "Lord of the Flies" because he is being hunted by Jack and his tribe, who have descended into savagery. Ralph knows that his life is in danger, and his only option is to run and hide in order to survive.

How do you compare The Ones Who Walk Away to Lord of the Flies?

By reading both books and noting similarities and contrasts between the two stories.

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One quote from "Lord of the Flies" that highlights the theme of violence is: "The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away." This quote demonstrates how the boys' descent into savagery leads to the breakdown of order and the rise of violence on the island.

Why does Maurice run away in lord of the flies?

Maurice doesn't run away in "Lord of the Flies." He is one of the boys on the island who initially follows the rules and remains with the group. As the story progresses, Maurice becomes more influenced by the other boys' behaviors and decisions, ultimately contributing to the chaos and violence on the island.

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One of the twins. Whether it was Sam or Eric, the book never really says.

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