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It means speak no evil

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Q: When lil Wayne has his hand over his mouth and his hand like a gun to his head mean?
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How can I create a hand puppet with a moving mouth?

To create a hand puppet with a moving mouth, you can use materials like fabric, foam, and glue to make the puppet's head and mouth. Attach a piece of fabric or paper to the mouth area that can be manipulated by your fingers to create the movement. Practice moving the mouth with your fingers to bring the puppet to life during performances.

Feel like hair in mouth?

If someone feels like there is hair in their mouth, they may have something on their tongue. There could also be a hair from their head in the mouth.

What US state shapes like a head?

Maine looks like it's in the shape of a head, since there seems to be a "mouth" just above the "neck."

Which route of entry do the chemicals enter your mouth directly or become transferred through actions like hand to mouth contact?


How do you sign thanks in American Sign Language?

Signing thank you is the same as signing good. Place your flat hand to your mouth with your palm facing your mouth. Then move your hand away and downward almost like blowing a kiss but not. In certain situations a slight bow or nod of the head can also be accepted as thank you. Facial expression is important, its like your tone of voice when signing.

How do you say the word 'answer' in British sign language?

Two hand needed here. Hold the right hand index finger (your pointing finger) next to the mouth facing away (the palm faces away from the body) The left hand with just index finger raised and the (like pointing with the left hand) the palm facing the face and this hand starts about a foot from the face. Bring the left hand to your mouth whilst moving the right hand away. This indicated answers movng to and from the mouth.

What was Wayne Rooney's family like?

They were just like Wayne Rooney :)

Can you get Hand, foot and mouth disease?

yes u can a dirty dog can give u stuff like dat

In what movie did John Wayne say wrong answer?

The line is from the movie "Chisum" and is delivered in response to "That sounds like a threat" and is "Wrong word"... (punches man in mouth) FACT!

When a dog is foaming at the mouth and shaking its head?

sounds like seizures please call your vet asap

What rapper do you like?

Lil Wayne

What do marbles feel like?

shove them in your mouth roll them around thats how you find tounge texture. roll in hand for touch.