Stone Cold Steve Austin may return to WWE to be a guest host of Monday Night RAW.
stone cold may return to stunner someone,or to drink some beer,but never to wrestle,because of a back problem
Stone Cold Steve Austin may return to WWE to be a guest host of Monday Night RAW.
Yes, for a visit not for fighting I think he is a bit too old for Wrestling don't you think?
Stone Cold will be back soon as a guest host of RAW and he's going to stun Vince McMahon and Kane, too. He is also going to help John Cena to retain his title and break over the Nexus!
Cold Stone Austin injured his knee in a W.W. F match.
how many movies did cold stone Steve Austin played in
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (SCSA)
Revenge. Goldberg speared Stone Cold by a mistake, he was actually aiming for mr. Mcman but missed. stone Cold still wanted revenge, THAT STUPID RATTLE SNAKE!
because he to old
As of June 2014, there is no scheduled events for Stone Cold Steve Austin to attend in the UK. Stone Cold is a professional wrestler.
He is not returning to wrestle!
Threre are rumors about him coming back
yes...............he is coming back on Monday night raw on the 3-7-11
i don't think stone cold Steve Austin is never returning because he is a hall of famer of 2009.and it time for him to settle down.
who is coming back to the wwe in 2010 Maybe Stone Cold-Steve Austin I am not shure but in 2011 !
yes i am whaching raw right know they just said the stone cold is coming back after wreslimania 27 .
No, he is being inducted into the 2009 Hall of Fame though.
no. i don't think so because Mr. McMahon and stone cold have had some problems like the time stone cold stunned the whole McMahon family in front of the whole WWE universe