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Cold Stone Austin injured his knee in a W.W. F match.

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Q: How did stone cold injure his knee?
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What do Donjoy knee braces do?

Donjoy knee braces protect knee ligaments from injury. This is an ideal product for athletes that do not want to injure or re-injure their knee ligaments.

Why stone cold left WWE?

Stone Cold's knee was injured during a match and now he can't wrestle as much as he used to

What happened to Stone Cold Steve Austin's knee?

he injured it badly

How do you injure your knee?

Knee injuries are very common. You can injure the knee by playing practically any kind of sport, and also by running/jogging or by falling on the knees.

Stone cold Steve Austin's knee braces?

He had a majore knee injury in 1997 I doen't know exacly yet

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while on stage, drake fell and injured his knee. the rapper has hurt his knee before. he will have to undergo surgery for his knee.

Where did Shawn Johnson injure her knee?

She tore basically everything in her knee (ACL, MCL, etc.) on a ski trip for her birthday.

Why did stone cold Steve Austin leave the WWE?

because he busted up his knee but he still hangs around back stage and helps

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stone cold is not in the game

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Is stone cold Steve Austin sharkboy?

no stone cold retired. Shark boy is stone cold's son