That depends on what you are hunting!! For more information, visit That might answer your question.
I think it's a deer, isn't it?
in the movie twilight its a deer with Edward Cullen (i think) attacking it.. but in new moon there is none....
Michael Gay does not play in the Deer Hunter.
Disney's Bambi is a mixture of white-tailed deer and mule deer. He has the former's markings with the latter's black-tipped ears, dark forehead, & even the 'escape gait' (called "stotting"). Even the dark brown antlers is characteristic of the mule deer. Disney studied both species for the movie and ended up creating a hybrid of the two.
1 million well, i know that opening day in the U.S., the box offices across America made 3 million.
oct 22 D-16,G-13
Get a copy of the state hunting regulation or look it up on line.
This is probably just a personal preference but I join many hunters in saying opening day and the day after thanksgiving are the two best days of the year.
Early January.
Dallas. No debate.
Missouri beat Alabama in the opening game on ABC TV. I believe it was 1976.
they sold it.
there are deer and bugs and rabits
What day was the Toronto Blue Jays opening day in 1992
Opening Day Partners was created in 1982.
Deer hunting season ends on January 31, 2009 in Alabama. For other season dates check the website:
Dear Danny, don't do donuts. Demand deer dinner.