Probably in September because the real movie comes out in November. The trailer of breaking dawn part 2 is released on march 20th 2012 but it will show a sneak peak of the trailer.i know this beacuse it said on facebook
2 hours 1 minute, not including the time for coming attractions.
Right now (December 11, 2009) the moon is in the last stage of the phases leading to New Moon.It was full 10 or 11 days ago, and the next New Moon takes place during the coming week.
Yes Taylor launtner is in twilight new moon
1st quarter moon . . . 7.38 days after New Moon Full moon . . . 14.77 days after New Moon 3rd quarter moon . . . 22.15 days after New Moon New Moon . . . 29.53 days after the previous New Moon.
the 2nd book is New Moon the order is Twilight New Moon Eclipse Breaking Dawn
no its not i saw the trailer its coming out on November 20th 2009
It is coming out in June 2009. For more details go to
It is coming out November 20!!! I can't wait. If you want to see the trailer look up new moon trailer on google and it will come up. Other new moon facts i wrote was the new moon trailer word by word. On wiki answers look up New Moon trailer word for word!!!
I don't think there is a second one.
The official New Moon trailer will be unveiled during the MTV Movie Awards on May 31st, 2009. The movie will be released November 20, 2009.
The New Moon trailer comes out on May 31, 2009 on MTV.
I don't think there is a New Moon trailer that is out on TV...
It comes out on August 14, 2009, tomorrow! i can't wait! its supposed to be good!
It comes out tomorrow, August 14, 2009. It is supposed to be good. i can't wait!
The New Moon trailer was released in early May. You can view the trailer on a few webistes such as: If you want to view it on Youtube search 'New Moon official trailer.'
The New Moon trailer was shown on the MTV movie awards nut you can see the trailer in HD on -Cheerlol13