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Yes! there is a second part of Vampire Knight. It's called Vampire Knight Guilty and it started airing last October 2008...if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, I suggest you check it out at youtube go over the channel of ByakushiProduction it has a complete video of vampire knight 1 and 2.....

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15y ago
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17y ago

The anime comes out on April 7, 2008 at 1:00a.m. in Japan.

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14y ago

it is already out its called vampire knight guilty. yu can watch it on

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Is vampire knight an anime?

yes it is an anime

What vampire knight guilty?

It is the second season of the Vampire Knight anime based off of the Vampire Knight mangas.

What anime series is Kaname and Yuuki from?

They are from the Vampire Knight anime.

When will the English version of vampire knight and vampire knight guilty come out?

July 20th yea.. no. what is coming out on July 20th (well its already out) is the vampire knight anime. havent heard any news of when the vampire knight guilty manga comes out in English yet.

Where can you watch vampire romance anime?

Try vampire knight or Rosario + Vampire:

What anime is Kuran Kaname from?

Vampire Knight

When will vampire knight chapter 67 come out?

It's already out :D It's on Anime A right now

How many series are there in Vampire Knight?

It depends on what you're talking about. There is 2 seasons of Vampire Knight the anime and there are 19 volumes of the Vampire Knight manga.

When will vampire knight be on DVD?

The anime series 'Vampire Knight' is now available - see link below .

When will Vampire Knight Guilty Season 3 come out?

There are no plans for a third Vampire Knight anime season, as far as I know. If they ever do one, it'll be when the manga is much further ahead.

Who does Yuki pick in the anime Vampire Knight?

In the end of the anime, she chose Kaname.

What program is vampire knight on?

Its not a programme all you have to do is go on google type in anime freak and look for vampire knight/vampire knight guilty so there's your answer