hiya im not sure but i like shugo chara and i also like vampire knight so i would recommend u watch it. sorry i could help.
it depends on which type
Age is the main character from the anime Heroic Age.
Ikuto comes back in the Shugo Chara Encore
Ikuto! Ikuto! Ikuto! But only in the manga.... Cuz the anime finished crappy!
Um... What? Um... well he's an anime character... and whoever he likes in the show is Ikuto's "type", if that's what you mean. ._.
ikuto is from shugo chara and it's a good anime
Ikuto loves amu in the anime and does amu love him back? watch and find out! the anime is beautiful!!
he is human his character transformation and change is with yoru that's why he gets ears and tail
Ikuto is from the manga/anime Shugo Chara and Shugo Chara Encore
who does utau like
Well first off. Which Ikuto are we talking about here? XDAnyway, if your referring to the one from Shugo Chara, Tsukiyomi Ikuto. (which you probably are)No, he's not dead so far in the manga. I don't think he'll die either.If we are talking about Ikuto Noguchi from digimon or Ikuto Touhouin from Nagasarete Airantou.Probably not (cause nobody ever dies in Digimon.) and No (cause its a comedy anime and its the main character.)IF IKUTO IN SHUGO CHARA DIED I WOULD BE SO MAD!!!! I mean how could he leave amu...
Shugo charaSHUGO CHARA AND IT RULES AMU AND IKUTO SHALL ALWAYS BE THE BEST COUPLE IN SHUGO CHARAAmuto is the couple of amu and ikuto which together is amu/toamu is for amuto is for ikuTO
Shugo chara does. Ikuto carries it around.
well lets if i can explain well yoru was born from the desire of ikuto to be free and there is a whole story in the anime and the manga i think
Ikuto. Definitely ikuto because he is older and stonger and cool but tadase is only weak,kind and he has a weird character change.
Yes. He says it several times, both in the anime and in the manga.