All the cars that apear in nacho libre tend to be from the mid 70s' and older.
Nacho Libre grossed $99,296,462 worldwide.
Ana de la Reguera
Nacho is a diminutive of Ignacio, a common name widely used by Spanish-speaking people. The name is a variation of the Latin Ignatius and means fiery. The translation into English of the world 'libre' is free.' Accordingly, the proper translation of the movie's title is 'Ignacio the free man', which was Nacho's name as a wrestler. However, since the theme of the movie is 'lucha libre,' free [style] wrestling, the name could also have connotations to it. I personally prefer the former meaning because during the day Nacho was subject to the benevolent tyranny of the monastery rules, but in the ring he was free to be himself. I hope this help.
César González, best known as Silver King from WCW.
Mr. Loco - Hombre Religioso
The duration of Nacho Libre is 1.53 hours.
The Production Budget for Nacho Libre was $32,000,000.
Nacho Libre was released on 06/16/2006.
Nacho Libre was created on 2006-06-16.
Nacho Libre was released on 06/16/2006.
Nacho Libre - video game - happened in 2006.
Nacho Libre grossed $99,296,462 worldwide.
Nacho Libre - video game - was created on 2006-10-24.
nacho, encarnacio, esqueleta, chancho
Nacho Libre - 2006 VG was released on: USA: 24 October 2006
Looks like a bad translation of "free nacho" - "libre", in Spanish, means free in the sense of freedom, as when you are not in prison.
Héctor Jiménez