I don't know but i really hope that it's not too soon.
ya kakashi dies in the most recent episode and manga chp 492... i think...
but happily he is brought back to life by nagato...>.>
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no, he is not die
no she did not die
No he did not die :)
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i think it will be kakshi hatake.
eventually because some other characters have to have the story mode beaten to buy them and you need to have everyone to get anbu kakshi
Unclock Win 150 Matches
Kakashi does not die in the Naruto series. He is a skilled and experienced fighter who plays a significant role throughout the story.
complete all missions and go and beat kakshi saga
all the aksuki membere die except the great legend mandara and they get 3 new membere kabuto,kakshi,sasuke jiraia dies naruto becomes the best
its a justu that minato made from the naruto series kakshi chronciles he made this justu by having a kuni knife that has a seal or formula that marks a destanation where he wants to go and then teleports himself to that destanation
You don't need to buy it. The moment you turn on the game, you start with Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Gaara, Might Guy, Lee, Tenten, and Neji. If your talking about Anbu Kakashi, that is an other story.
Naruto is stronger than Kakashi by a long shot. Kakashi is lightning type and wind defeats lightning. Naruto is a wind type so he pwns. Also he can go into sage mode and control the nine tails power.
you get nine tailed naruto adn then use himm in one player mode then play as kakshi in one player mode ((just correcting this.)) You can't get Sasuke By doing that. That's how you get Sharingan Kakashi. I have no answer for this.I'm Just Correcting it.