It used to be some channel in the hundreds, but it got canceled- sorry. But, if you have the new Charter version, the channels are in the thousands. The Anime channel is channel 2874 now, or something close to that. This is only in western Connecticut, though. It's also "Anime on Demand", so it's not really like Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon with actual shows.
in Michigan, it comes on at 5:30 am, or when theres two episodes, 5:00am. Sundays only now.
Episode 97 of Inuyasha: Kirara, Come Home! doesn't actually say when InuYasha practices the Wind Scar on Kirara, but from looking at the flashback when Shippo points out various things Inuyasha has done to Kirara; this leads me to believe that this may have happened in Episode 36 of InuYasha: "Kagome Kidnapped by Koga, The Wolf-Demon".
No because Inuyasha: The Final Act is the last series of Inuyasha and that didn't have Inuyasha's baby.
the very last episode in the final act
Episode 18 of InuYasha the final Act
The second season of inuyasha is called Inuyasha: The final acts.
Inuyasha movie 1
Inuyasha will come on January 25
It is going to come out in Spring 2009 but if you're a real Inuyasha fan, You can wait it out!
.............. There's no Inuyasha movie five.......
Namie Amuro
Tuesday or Wednesday next week. It will be the last chapter ofthe inuyasha manga.
It already came out.
Inuyasha doesn't come out much anymore, that i know of. the Only Channel i Know Is On Cartoon Network At 5:00 am On Sundays.
if you mean season 8 of inuyasha yes!inuyashamovies.netif you mean movies
Inuyasha final act English dub has been confirmd.January 21 2011
umm i think that it comes out on wensday,or it will be on the internet by then at some point Inuyasha manga scalations usually come out on Wednesdays but at the latest would be Friday.
it came out, try this the story is here is and epilogue i hope you like it