If you're talking about the episode, not until sometime in February or even maybe March.
There are 220 Naruto episodes and 142(and counting) Naruto: Shippuuden episodes.
The last naruto episode (not shippuden) is Naruto Episode 220
Episode 220: Departure
naruto 220 subbed 220 dubbednaruto shippuden 301 subbed 39 dubbed
Look for Shippuden episodes
as of now naruto will not come on tv in the us but in September naruto shippudden vol 1 will come out on DVD
it will come in 2010 as every other naruto games for ps2!
There are 220 Naruto episodes and 142(and counting) Naruto: Shippuuden episodes.
They never aired it on TV, but if you want to watch then go to HULU.COM and type in Naruto episode 220 in the search box. It should come up and you'll be able to watch. And let me say, it is a very good episode. It definetly brought about a good conclusion to Naruto original and gets you ready for Naruto Shippuden.
it does not naruto clash of ninja 3 does not even come to the us you can only get it in japan.....but i wish it did come to the us........!!!
yes naruto ultimate ninja 4 will come out for ps2
it's episode 220 and after that, Naruto shippuuden starts
No. The Naruto series ends at episode 220 and then Naruto Shippuden starts
Naruto Uncut DVD Box Set Volume 16 (Episodes 206-220) will be released On September 22nd 2009