David Lee Roth's father Nathan Roth died on March 14, 2003. Nathan was an actor best known for starring in Witches Brew, Malibu Beach, and Cat in the Cage. He was 74 years old when he died.
David Nathan - merchant - died in 1886.
Nathan David Perlman died on 1952-06-29.
Nathan Hale was 21 years old when he was executed by the British. His parents were almost certainly alive.
The prophet Nathan was an advisor to King David of Israel who reigned as King of Israel from 1003 to 970 BCE, placing Nathan in this time period.
He admonishes David in 2 Samuel 12:9-14. "Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in his sight..." David admits his sin, and Nathan tells him that his sin has been put away, but, because David's deeds gave great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, Nathan tells David that the child that is born to him shall surely die.
God sent different prophets to King David. Namely, Samuel and Nathan.SamuelThe prophet Samuel was the prophet who anointed King Saul, the first King of Israel, and he also anointed King David. He died during David's reign.NathanThe prophet Nathan came to David during his reign. The most well known interaction was when David committed adultery with Bathsheba, a married woman, then had his generals leave her husband to be killed in battle. Nathan came and revealed that he and God knew what he had done, which led to David's repentance and prayer in Psalm 51.
Nathan: Didn't I tell you not to go out? Didn't I? Shilo: You did You did Nathan: Didn't I say the world was cruel? Didn't I? Shilo: You did You did Nathan: Then tell me how this happened, what I did wrong, tell me why Can we just go home, Shi, and forget this dreadful night? Shilo: Didn't you say that you were different? Didn't you? Nathan: I am I am Shilo: Say you aren't that person Say it Nathan: I am I am Shilo: Then tell me how to act, dad What to say, dad Tell me why All you've ever told me Every word Is a lie Didn't you say that you'd protect me? Didn't you? Nathan: I tried I tried Shilo: Is that how you'd help me? Is it? Nathan: I tried I tried Shilo: Don't help me any more, dad You are dead, dad, in my eyes Someone has replaced you Dad, I hate you Go and die! Nathan: Didn't I build a house, a home, didn't I? Didn't I raise her all alone, didn't I? Then Rotti took her from me Stole my Shilo He's to blame Have I failed my daughter? Then let the father die! And let the monster rise!
David Pelzers father died of terminal cancer
2 Samuel 12:13 David now said to Nathan: "I have sinned against Jehovah." At this Nathan said to David: "Jehovah, in turn, does let your sin pass by. You will not die. 14 Notwithstanding this, because you have unquestionably treated Jehovah with disrespect by this thing, also the son himself, just born to you, will positively die."
King David said it to the prophet Nathan.
Nathan Porges died in 1924.