sharon pratt kelly is still alive. She is 67 years old
Cathy Sharon's birth name is Catherine Sharon Gasnier.
Sharon Engert was born in 1976.
Sharon Lackie's birth name is Sharon Lynne Lackie.
Diane and Sharon Disney. Diane and Sharon Disney.
Sharon Hugueny's birth name is Sharon Elizabeth Hugueny.
Sharon Hugueny is 5' 5 1/2".
Sharon Hugueny was born on February 29, 1944, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Polish And ? (she was a distant relative)
Sharon Beshenivsky died in 2005.
Sharon Lopatka died in 1996.
Sharon Higgins died in 2003.
Sharon Webb died in 2010.
M. F. Hugueny has written: 'Recherches experimentales sur la durete des corps et specialement sur celle des metaux' -- subject(s): Matter, Properties
Sharon Turner died on 1847-02-13.
William Sharon died on December 26, 1968.
Arieh Sharon died on 1984-07-24.