Robert Pastorelli's birth name is Robert Joseph Pastorelli.
Robert Pastorelli is 178 cm.
Robert Pastorelli went by Bobby.
Robert Pastorelli was born on June 21, 1954.
Robert Pastorelli was born on June 21, 1954.
Robert Pastorelli was born on June 21, 1954 and died on March 8, 2004. Robert Pastorelli would have been 49 years old at the time of death or 61 years old today.
'Huey Driscoll' was played by Robert Pastorelli.
Gia Pastorelli is 4' 3".
Gia Pastorelli's birth name is Giannina Marie Pastorelli.
Eldin Bernecky was his charactor. Robert pastorelli was the actor dead at 49
Nicky Pastorelli was born on April 11, 1983.