Tom Grandin died in 1977.
E. B. Grandin died in 1845.
Vital-Justin Grandin died in 1902.
Temple Grandin is still alive, as of February 11, 2010.
Elmer Grandin died on May 19, 1933, in Patchogue, Long Island, New York, USA.
Ethel Grandin died on September 28, 1988, in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA.
She hasn't died yet (2014)
The address of the Grandin Branch is: 100 Main St, Grandin, 63943 M
The phone number of the Grandin Branch is: 573-593-4084.
The cast of The Weatherwax Legacy - 2011 includes: Temple Grandin Robert Weatherwax
Greg Grandin was born in 1963.
Grandin - ETS - was created in 1989.