Katherine De Hetre was born on September 18, 1946, in Compton, California, USA.
Mary Katherine Goddard died of old age.
They didn't, Katherine and Joe are still alive.Joe and Katherine Jackson are not dead. They are alive and well (as well as can be expected) living in California.
As of August 2013, Katherine Okikiolu is a associate professor of mathematics at the University of California in San Diego, California. She was born in the year 1965 and is not dead.
Ida McKinley died on May 26, 1907 at the age of 59.
De De Pierce died in 1973.
Katherine de Stafford died on 1419-04-08.
Katherine De Hetre has: Played Hope Langston in "The Six Million Dollar Man" in 1974. Played Jane Brackett in "Quincy M.E." in 1976. Played Kinney in "Being There" in 1979. Played Wendy Lester in "The Promise" in 1979. Played Jan Watkins in "Meteor" in 1979. Played Jay Eareckson in "Joni" in 1979. Played Mother in "Looker" in 1981. Played Kathy Livingston in "M.A.D.D.: Mothers Against Drunk Drivers" in 1983. Played Rita in "Murder, She Wrote" in 1984.
Katherine de Stafford was born in 1376.
Katherine Cameron died in 1965.
Katherine Stinson died in 1977.
Katherine Mayo died in 1940.
Katherine Tingley died in 1929.
Katherine Sopka died in 2009.
Katherine Philips died in 1664.
Katherine of Bavaria died in 1400.
Katherine Craven died in 1984.
Katherine Pettit died in 1936.