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Harry's Nimbus 2000 was destroyed by the Whomping Willow following a Quidditch match against Hufflepuff. The match was the first Harry played during his third year at Hogwarts (November 1993) and took place in Chapter 9 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry fell of his broom when dementors guarding the school invaded the Quidditch pitch. The severe weather conditions meant that his broom was then blown into the dangerous tree.

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Q: When did Harry break his Nimbus 2000?
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How fast can the nimbus 2000 Harry Potter broom go?

It is never mentioned in the books.....but according to Harry Potter Lexicon a Nimbus 100 (the first broomstick of the Nimbus series) could reach speeds up to 100 miles an hour Details ca be found here:

What does nimbus 2000 mean other than Harry Potters broomstick?

The term was invented for the Harry Potter series. I suppose that the name "nimbus" is derived from nimble - "quick and light in movement or action".The term was invented for the Harry Potter series. I suppose that the name "nimbus" is derived from nimble - "quick and light in movement or action".The term was invented for the Harry Potter series. I suppose that the name "nimbus" is derived from nimble - "quick and light in movement or action".The term was invented for the Harry Potter series. I suppose that the name "nimbus" is derived from nimble - "quick and light in movement or action".

What was Harry Potter's very first broom stick called?

It didn't have a name, it was just named 'Toy Broomstick' in Lily Potter's letter to Sirius Black (The Deathly Hallows). Unless you mean his first real broomstick which is the Nimbus 2000.

Who was the first goblin to meet Harry Potter?

The first goblin Harry meets in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is the goblin at the desk who we never know the name of.The second goblin Harry meets is Griphook. Griphook is the same goblin who helps Harry, Ron, and Hermione break into Gringotts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Why did Harry break and throw the Elder Wand away?

Actually, that was something exclusive to the movie. In the book, Harry tells Dumbledore's portrait, "I'm putting the Elder Wand back where it came from." There is no indication that snapping the wand and throwing it off a cliff is putting it back where it came from. Either way, Harry does so to break its power. The wand's power comes from each owner of the wand being defeated (usually by death) so that the defeater/murderer may obtain the wand and its powers. By leaving the wand alone and living a natural life, Harry would break that pattern.

Related questions

Did Harry Potter ever get a Nimbus 2001?

No. Harry had a Nimbus 2000 which was destroyed two years later when it hit the Whomping Willow. He then had a Firebolt.

What broomstick did Harry Potter have in his first year at Hogwarts?

The Nimbus 2000.

What where the names of the 2 broomsticks Harry Potter owned?

nimbus 2000 and firebolt

Why did Professor McGonagall want Harry to open the Nimbus 2000 in front of the other students?

She didn't want Harry to open his Nimbus 2000 infront of the other students because first-years are not allowed to have their own broomstick.

What is the name of Harry Potter's first broomstick in jk Rowling's Harry Potter book series?

Nimbus 2000

What are the names of some broomsticks in harry potter?

The brooms in Harry Potter include:Comet 260Comet 290Shooting StarFireboltSilver ArrowNimbus 2000Nimbus 2001Twigger 90MoontrimmerBluebottleCleansweep 7Cleansweep 5Cleansweep 11

Who cursed Harry Potter's Nimbus 2000 during the Quidditch match?

Professer Quirrell.

What is the name of Harry Potter's first broom?

The first broomstick Harry had was called the Nimbus Two Thousand. But at one Quidditch match at Hogwarts in Harry's third year, Harry got attacked by Dementors and he went unconcious and fell off his broom. Then the broom flew away into the whomping willow... And that tree doesn't like being hit. So as Harry's first broom got smashed to bits, his godfather, Sirius, sent him a Firebolt.

In the Harry Potter books what is a Nimbus 2000?

A Nimbus 2000 is one of a series of broomsticks produced by the Nimbus Racing Broom Company This was the first broom that Harry ever had and it was given to him by Prof McGonagall in his first year at Hogwarts - at the time it was the best broom available. In Harrys third year it blew into the Whomping Willow and was destroyed

Where did Harry Potter get his Nimbus 2000?

Professor Minerva McGonagall arranged for the flying rule which prohibited first years from having a broom to be dropped so Harry could join the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She also arranged for Harry to receive a Nimbus Two Thousand as it was recommended by Oliver Wood.

What is Harry Potter broomstick named?

His second broomstick is called a Firebolt his first is a Nimbus 2000

What broomstick did Harry receive in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

A nimbus 2001 is the last you here of the nimbus series in Harry Potter. The Slytherin house team all have one but when Harry's Nimbus 2000 is destroyed he gets a firebolt instead of another nimbus