Harry Gordon Selfridge was born on January 11, 1858 and died on May 8, 1947. Harry Gordon Selfridge would have been 89 years old at the time of death or 157 years old today.
Harry Selfridge had four children. One died shortly after birth, one married Serge de Bolotoff, and one wrote The Flying Gypsies. His grandson Oliver was a pioneer in artificial intelligence.
Gordon Cleaver died in 1994.
Gordon Hay died in 2009.
Gordon Peter Campbell died in 1964.
John Gordon Mein died in 1968.
Harry Gordon Selfridge died on May 8, 1947 at the age of 89.
Yes, Harry Gordon Selfridge married to Rose Buckingham in 1890
Harry Gordon Selfridge is a/an Retail magnate
Harry Gordon Selfridge was born on January 11, 1858.
Harry Gordon Selfridge was born on January 11, 1858.
Harry Gordon Selfridge was born on January 11, 1858.
Harry Gordon Selfridge died on May 8, 1947 at the age of 89.
No, Jews did not name their children after living people, there would not be Sr. and Jr.
Harry Gordon died in 1957.
In theory, it is a true story. The show is based on the life of Harry Gordon Selfridge, who founded the Selfridges. Some of the show is true, while other parts are exaggerated.
H Gordon Selfridge is known for founding the famous department store Selfridges in London, he did not author any known literary works.