Gabi Kubach was born on October 19, 1944, in Griebenow, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.
Gabi Goslar is now living In Israel .
No Gabi is alive and Well she was only a baby during the Start and Ending of the Holocaust she is in her 60 or 70 years old
Gabi Jobba was born on March 27, 1947, in Szeged, Hungary.
Gabi Gabi is in Zulu.
Gabi is a Tagalog word meaning a potato that is grown under the soil. It is a form of taro.
Gabi Amrani's birth name is Gabi Amrani-Gur.
Mon ami Gabi means 'my Friend Gabi' (short for Gabriel) in French.
Mon ami Gabi means 'my Friend Gabi' (short for Gabriel) in French.
Gabi Zange was born in 1961.
Gabi Müller was born in 1974.
Gabi Gazit was born in 1946.
Gabi Luncă was born in 1938.
Gabi Roth was born in 1967.
Gabi Rockmeier was born in 1973.