The cast of Eustace and Hilda - 1977 includes: Grant Bardsley as Eustace Susan Fleetwood as Hilda Jacqueline Pearce Flora Robson as Miss Fothergill Robert Stephens Christopher Strauli as Eustace Sarah Webb as Hilda Billie Whitelaw as Lady Nelly
Lefty Baker (Eustace Britchforth), guitarist for the group Spanky and Our Gang, died in 1971 from sclerosis of the liver.
Sol White died in 1955.
Eustace Bagge is the farmer's name .
Eustace Conway from the show Mountain Men does not seem to share much about his personal life off camera. He nor the station have released what his pay is at this time.
Eustace White was born in 1559.
Eustace North died in 1925.
Eustace Bisgood died in 1958.
Eustace Abington died in 1569.
Eustace the Monk died in 1217.
Eustace Missenden died in 1973.
Eustace Miles died in 1948.
Saint Eustace died in 118.
Eustace Hart died in 1972.
Eustace Hill died in 1933.
Eustace Haydon died in 1975.
Eustace Gibson died in 1900.