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Ralph and Jack both start out as good leaders taking care of their people. Ralph symbolizes civilization and Jack symbolizes savagery. Ralph gains leadership because of people respecting him and Jack gains leadership through fear. when things go bad Ralph stays civilized and Jack goes savage.

Also Ralph takes care of everyone and Jack only takes care of his friends.

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12y ago

the leadership starts to change as Jack descends in savagery, Jack offers the boys meat and fun, things that Ralph cannot. In the middle of the book when Ralph calls the boys to a meeting, his waning influence is symbolized by his sitting in the shadow and the fading of the conch. The break into two tribes does not happen all at once. Jack calls for a re-vote for the role of chief, after no one votes for him and he is humiliated he runs off into the jungle, where he is later followed by his fellow hunters. The only bigguns left in Ralph's tribe are Simon, Piggy and SamEric. After simon is killed by jack's tribe during the feast Sameric and piggy are the only ones left with ralph. The Final shift of Power comes when piggy is killed and the conch, the symbol of order and civility, is shattered. Sameric is captured by Jack's hunter's and forced into his tribe. The next Day Jack begins the hunt for Ralph.

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9y ago

Leadership is someone that has power and does what they think is best for everyone. There is many people that has leadership missions.

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9y ago

Leadership is about a persons power and have they have to do to keep things going. Lord of the Flies is a book.

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In Lord of the Flies what do Jack and Ralph have in common?

Which movie? There were two different versions. One was released in 1963 and was shot in Black & White. The other was released in 1990 and was shot in colour. They are both completely different in their treatment of the story.

What are the books mentioned in Lord of the Flies?

Lord of the flies is about a group of kids stranded on an island and they are rying to get rescued when all of a sudden one of the younger boys thinks they saw a monster then the whole book is about the boys trying to get rescued and trying to find and kill the monster and stay alive.... 2 people die and one is missing im not gonna ruin it though

In Lord of the Flies why is Wilfred tied up and beaten?

When Robert tells Roger that the chief had order the boys to tie Wilfred up Roger asked the same question, why? Robert didn't seem to know. All he could tell Roger was that Jack intended to beat Wilfred, had order him to be tied up and Wildred had been left tied up for hours.

Who is the only boy in Lord of the Flies whose hair does not seem to grow?

There is more than one boy. The boy with the mulberry coloured birthmark dissapears early in the novel and does not participate in any of the killings. Simon is the first murder victim when he is killed at the feast, so he doesn't participate in any murders either.

How does the conch in lord of the flies represent power?

Piggy and Ralph discover the conch together- as it is Piggy who sees it and identifies what it is but Ralph who fishes it out of the water. Thi si the start of their relationship where Piggy theorises and uses his wosdom, yet Ralph is the one who takes action and actually gets things done. The conch then continues to be a symbol of order and civilized society throughout the novel, as the one thing that the boys follow and brongs them together into their meetings. However, near the end of the novel as it is shattered during Piggy's death it demonstates the complete breakdown of society and turn to savagery. Throughout the novel power belongs to the person with the conch up until the end,,where even though Piggy is holding th conch nobody listens to him and he is eventually murdered. This could show a range of things. One is that at this point society has a;ready broken down and not even the conch can stop the decent into savagery. Another is that it is Piggy who is too weak to wield the conch, and it needs to be in the right hands to mean anything.

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What doesn't piggy's hair do in lord of the flies?

piggy's hair doesn't seem to grow

What did jack do to make him seem the more popular choice for a leader in lord of the flies?

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What does specious in Lord of the Flies mean?

In "Lord of the Flies," specious refers to something that is misleading or deceptive in nature. It suggests that an argument or notion may seem plausible or true on the surface, but is actually false or misleading upon closer examination.

In the story Lord of the Flies is there really a beast?

In Lord of the Flies there is technically no physcial beast. "The Beast" is a symbol for something greater i.e our inner savergery. Golding uses the beast as only a symbol which the boys seem to reconize even more with their desent into savergery

Why is Henry the best leader out of the three boys in lord of the flies?

Henry isn't one of the best candidates for leader. he does nothing out of the ordinary that makes him seem considerable for the position as chief.

What doesn't piggys hair do in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Piggy's hair does not grow long or become unkempt like some of the other boys' hair on the island. This is because Piggy remains focused on survival and maintaining a sense of order, rather than succumbing to the chaos and savagery that affects the other boys.

In Lord of the Flies chapter 4 do you think Ralph's or Jack's world is more appealing to the other boys?

In chapter 4 of Lord of the Flies, Jack's world is more appealing to the other boys. His focus on hunting and immediate gratification resonates with the primal instincts of the boys, drawing them away from Ralph's focus on civility and rescue. Jack's charismatic leadership style and promises of adventure make his world seem more exciting and appealing to the boys at this stage of the story.

Why do stars seem to change their colors?

Because their temperature seem to change too

What is the word ladder from full to stop?

Change full to fell. Change fell to feel. Change feel to fees. Change fees to sees. Change sees to seem. Change seem to stem. Change stem to step. Change step to stop.

In Lord of the Flies what did Jack do to make him seem the more popular choice for leader?

Jack threw a feast on the beach and invited all the boys to attend. He gave them all meat and then invited them to join his tribe, adding that his hunters would protect them from the beast.

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to have change means to make something seem different

In Lord of the Flies what do Jack and Ralph have in common?

Which movie? There were two different versions. One was released in 1963 and was shot in Black & White. The other was released in 1990 and was shot in colour. They are both completely different in their treatment of the story.