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Q: When Morticia spoke this language it drove Gomez wild with desire?
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Was there a personality trait that drove Columbus to succeed?

It has been said that Christopher Columbus was afraid to fail. Because of his desire to succeed, he drove himself and his men nearly to death.

What are the three motivations that drove people to join the Crusades?

The three motivations that drove people to join the Crusades were religious fervor, the desire for adventure and glory, and the hope of gaining wealth and land.

What is a good sentence for the word desire in it?

I had a large desire for the new video game because all of my friends had it.orI had a burning desire to meet my father because he disappeared when i was only an infant.orMy strong desire for world domination drove me insane.orMany people desire total world peace.orI strongly desire detention to end so I can go to the mall.I hope you like one of these!

What did the Europeans have that allowed them to conquer other territories?

greed, which drove their desire for conquest of other lands, to control the resources, and wealth therein.

How did Selena Gomez get Demi famous?

believe it or not, Demi got Selena famous!! Dianna Lovato, Demi's mom, drove Selena and Demi to an audition.

Why did Lennon get assassinned?

Mark Chapman was mentally ill; delusional and psychotic, when he shot John Lennon. At his trial, it was said that it was a desire for fame that drove him.

What conditions drove people to emigrate to the US?

Hard to get a job,few freedoms,not enough food to make it , and not being able to worship who they desire.

Identify 3 factors that led European nations to voyages of exploration?

The Age of Exploration began in the 15th century and continued in to the early 17th century. Three factors that drove this exploration were desire to spread their religion, desire for riches and desire to gain power over other countries.

Which of the following were impportant factors that drove colonizatioin from the 15th to 20th century'?

The desire of many Europeans to begin a new life in another country The desire to increase the power of one's nation The need for raw materials apex answers

What drove the europeans to launch the voyages of discovery?

What drove thew was to find what lay behind the horizon, desire to get rich ,curious about the unknown ,to spread the christian faith ,to find land that had products they could sell in Europe, and to find a route to India's spice trade.

What were the important factors that drove colonization from the 15th to 20th centuries?

Need for raw materials, National desire for power and prestige, Desire to make money The desire to increase the power of one's nation The desire of many Europeans to begin a new life in another The need for raw materials

Is the word drove a collective noun?

Yes, the noun 'drove' is used for a group moving from one place to another.The noun 'drove' is a standard collective nounfor:a drove of bullocksa drove of cattlea drove of donkeys (or asses)a drove of goatsa drove of haresa drove of hogsa drove of horsesa drove of oxena drove of pigsa drove of rabbitsa drove of sheepa drove of swineand large groups of people that are in motion.