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A dark blue v-neck top and a karki skirt

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Q: When Bella went to meet edward's family in twilight what was she wearing?
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Did Bella play baseball with Edwards family it Twilight or New Moon?

Twilight :)

After Bella meets Edwards family when they are in the woods what is that song playing on the piano?

The song is Bella's lullaby by carter burwell or the twilight score or twilight soundtrack =) The song is Bella's lullaby by carter burwell or the twilight score or twilight soundtrack =)

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Alice planned Bella and Edwards wedding.

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What is the song called in twilight 1 when Edwards family and Bella play baseball?

Supermassive Black Hole. :D:D:D:):):) HOPE THIS HELPS!!

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He promises to stay with her forever:D

What did Bella first say when she saw Edwards bedroom in Twilight?

Bella: No bed? Edward: I don't sleep. Bella: Ever

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What is twilght in forks?

its like midnight but in twilight its the awekening of Edwards and Bella's love

What was Bella's special ring for in twilight movie?

well its Edwards mother ring