The Twilight Saga refers to the series of books and movies beginning with the one entitled Twilight. The movie saga includes Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse, and once the two-part Breaking Dawn is made, that will also be part of the saga.
In the book, they met at the gathering Mike Newton had constructed in La Push. In the movie, when Jacob and Billy bring Bella's car over to Charlie's house, he says that they used to make mud piles together when they were little; so they had met long before that.
Edwards brothers are named Emmet Cullen and Jasper Hale, but while Emmet and Edward are linked by their creator (father) Carlisle, Jasper was, along with Alice, adopted into the family. Jasper, the hottie, and Emmett, the cute funny one!
In Twilight, Alice and Edward are Juniors. Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper are Seniors.
Twilight :)
Well, his vampire family is very loving and supportive. Nobody knows about his human family, though.
I didnt like how you didnt learn much about Edwards family. :( But the rest of the book is awsome!
The song is Bella's lullaby by carter burwell or the twilight score or twilight soundtrack =) The song is Bella's lullaby by carter burwell or the twilight score or twilight soundtrack =)
If your talking about the movie, i think im right in saying that it is a peice called Bellas Lullaby created especially for Twilight and played by Edward/Robert in the movie. You can search for it on Youtube or download it from limewire.
Baseball, well that is what is sais in the book Twilight. ( read it. its good)
because he is the the first edward in the family
There is no character named Roselita in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. It is possible that you may be thinking of Rosalie Hale, a character who is part of the Cullen vampire family.
No. Pharoah Alex Garry, bought a boat of African slaves, known as the Edwards tribe. They were called the Edwards tribe because they had Edwards syndrome. He tortured the poor Edwards family until they built the pyramids. Alex took a liking to Angela Edwards or "slag" who he used for pleasure only. He also use Daniel Edwards, also known as "bullwog", who he sucked off
the cullens and Jacob