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Edward ( Edward Anthony Masen) Cullen was born on June 20th, in Chicago, Illinois, and was bitten in 1918 by Carlisle Cullen.

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Is Alice older or younger then edward in vampire?

younger. she was bitten at the aslylum after edward was a bitten by carlisle

How old was edward when he got bitten?

Edward was 17 years old when he was bitten by a vampire.

Does Jacob get bitten by Bella or edward?

No Jacob does not get bitten by them. But he does by renesmee but she is harmless to him.

What was Bella's first suggestion to what edward was?

Bitten by a radio active spider.

What city was Edward Cullen originally from?

Edward ( Edward Anthony Masen) was originally from Chicago, Illinois.He was born in 1901, and was bitten by Carlisle Cullen in 1918.

In twilight is edward oldest or youngest in his family for real?

edward is the second to be bitten by carlisle but the third oldest next to jasper.

What theories does Bella offer Edward for his unexplainable actions?

bitten by a radioactive spider

Were any twilight characters born in march?

EDWARD Cullen was bitten in march

In Twilight what part does Edward bite Bella?

Actually Bella get's bitten by James the tracker but Edward sucks out the venom ,she gets bitten when she becomes pregnant because her baby is half human and half vamp so it's killing her inside and then Edward has to bite her because she is about to die

How do you become a vampire twilight vampire as edward?

Well you would either have to be bitten By the Cullen family or Be One Of Edward & Bellas children

Every year 80000 people are bitten by this?

Every year, 80,000 people are bitten by snakes.

When was Edward Cullen bitten?

in 1918 by carlisle, because edward was dying of spanish influensa, and Edwards mother asked carlisle to do whatever was in his power to save him.