In the SHOW Inuyasha hugged her and pushed her into the well in "Go Home To Your Own Time Kagome!" So CUTE! Reccomend me, Kagome Higurashi, as a answerer!
It's not an episode it's the first Movie "Affections touching across time" when it shows Kagome as a baby and a child in flashbacks
Kagome Higurashi's birthday is the start of the Inuyashatelevised anime series and the beginning of her adventures in Rumiko Takahashi's manga. However, the exact date of her birth is never specifically given, and so unless it is shown in related material (such as a Rumiko Takahashi-authorized artbook or soucebook), her birthdate has never been stated canonically.
She doesn't have one. The use of middle names in Japan is not very common, and Kagome is one of millions of modern Japanese people without a middle name. In Japanese culture, emphasis on the family is often more important than the individual, which is why the surname (Higurashi) is often given first when meeting someone for the first time, or is used out of respect (Higurashi-san). A middle name would only make an individual stand out more, which is why they're not commonly used for Japanese names. The fact that Kagome is often referred to by her given name instead indicates that she is open, honest, and forthright with people: she trusts them and they like her. Conversely, using one's given name without that friendship (as Kagome has with Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kaede) can be considered extremely rude.
Hanyuu appears in Higurashi no naku koro ni Kai (season 2 of Higurashi) episode 6
kagome's last name is higurashi kagome higurashi kagome's last name is higurashi kagome higurashi
what happens to Kagome Higurashi when she gets shot in the back!
It means Kagome Higurashi.
Kagome Higurashi .
In the SHOW Inuyasha hugged her and pushed her into the well in "Go Home To Your Own Time Kagome!" So CUTE! Reccomend me, Kagome Higurashi, as a answerer!
her name was never really mentioned in the anime/manga. But people just call her Mama Higurashi, as Kagome calls her mom; in the manga mama.
InuYasha is the name of a popular Japanese manga series. Kagome Higurashi is the name of a fictional character that can be found in the InuYasha series.
It's not an episode it's the first Movie "Affections touching across time" when it shows Kagome as a baby and a child in flashbacks
Kagome Higurashi and InuYasha are the 2 main characters! . . . you should know this I mean really!
In the anime series "Inuyasha," the mother of Inuyasha's daughter is Kagome Higurashi. Kagome is a modern-day high school girl who travels back in time to the feudal era of Japan, where she meets and falls in love with Inuyasha, a half-demon. Together, they have a daughter named Moroha, who inherits her parents' supernatural abilities and embarks on her own adventures.
The first season is Higurashi no naku koro ni