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Q: What year did Charles blackman paint Alice in the boat?
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What is the name of the boat in which Alice sails at the end of Alice and the Wonderland?

The boat is called the "Mock Turtle." It is a reference to a character Alice encounters earlier in the book while she is in Wonderland.

Was HMS beagle the name of Charles Darwin's boat?

yes , It was the name of Charles Darwin's boat

How do you brighten boat paint?

poo on it

What was the name of the boat where they were to find Charles Lindbergh baby?

The name of the boat was "Nelly"

When did Renoir paint 'Luncheon of the Boat Party'?

In 1881.

How do you paint a plane in saints row 2?

you can not paint a plane or boat in saints row 2 or 3

What was the name of Charles Darwin boat?

HMS Beagle

Do boat covers really protect your boat?

Yes, Boat covers really do protect your boat. They have a soft felt liner on the inside that keeps the rougher, outer protection layer from scratching the paint of the boat.

How do you paint an aluminum boat?

If boat has paint that is in good shape and you just want to change color, sand area with 400 to 600 grit then wipe clean with acetone,lacquer thinner or similar solvent then paint. If Paint is in bad shape strip chemically or sand to remove paint. Sand to 400 grit then you must use a etching primer then paint. It is not recommended that you paint below waterline.

Is there a paint that can be used on a fiberglass boat shower?

Fibreglass is best painted with a two part (twin pack) polyurethane paint.

Do you need to use a special type of water resistent pain to paint a boat?

Yes, several brands have their own products but they all generally provide a controlled release of antifouling biocide at the paint surface, and will not lose its effectiveness when the boat is hauled out of the water for extended periods of time. So these paints are good for in and out of the water. Yes, boat paint is a special formulation that resists deterioration due to water and saline conditions. Boat paint is extremely expensive to purchase and have applied, and it is extremely toxic.

Who invented the first modern boat?

Charles William Hamilton