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== == Nothing. He would probably have been killed at the end of Episode 6, as the rebels would have blown up the seconnd death star regardless of what occured upon it. This was actually the original ending of episode 6, but George Lucas rewrote the script to make it more family-friendly. Valid point. But I believe that the Emperor, having the power of foresight, would've known that they needed to get the hell out of the Death Star or they'd die. So the Emperor, Vader, and Luke would've all left together to go wherever and the Emperor would've eventually forced Luke and Vader to fight each other to decide who would be his #2. That is unless you're talking about after Luke and Vader fight in which case the Emperor and Luke would've just left Vader to die while they ran for the high hills.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Well Vader and Luke would've joined together and overthrown the Emperor and ruled the galaxy together as father and son. Then eventually, because it is the way of the Sith, Luke would've betrayed Vader and taken sole control of the Empire by himself. And the rebellion probably would've been crushed because Luke had very detailed information on the rebels and their positions etc etc; so the Empire would've been able to essentially hunt down all of the rebel outposts and destroyed them.

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13y ago

luke and Vader would rule the galaxy father and son

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13y ago

Well then the original trilogy would be far less exciting.

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12y ago

The possibilities of the entire saga's storyline if ONE event was changed is countless!

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What was Luke Skywalker's father's name?

Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker was born on Tatooine. He had no Father. Anakin was raised by his mother, Shmi Skywalker. When he was 9 years old, Qui-Gon Jin gambled for him from Anakin's master. He was raised as a Jedi, and fell in love with and married Padme Amidala, Former Queen and Senator of Naboo. They had a secret marriage, and she became pregnant with Luke and Leia Skywalker. She died when she had them, and Obi-Wan Kenobi took them to Anakin's Step-brother and Step-sister-in-law, because Anakin turned to the Dark side.

Where does Princess Leia say where the Rebel base is located?

Dantooine (not to be confused with Tatooine where Anakin was born and where Luke was raised)

What planet did Anakin and Luke both spent their childhood on?

Yoda sends Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ben Kenobi) with baby Luke to Tatooine, a desert planet in the outer rim territorys where he could grow up while remaining hidden from his father(Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader).

Where does Luke Skywalker live?

Luke Skywalker was actually born on Polis Massa as his mother and Obi Wan were fleeing the Empire. After Luke's mother died in Childbirth, Obi Wan split the twins, Luke and Leia, to insure their survival. Luke was sent to Anakin's step-brother on Tatooine and Leia was taken to Bail Organa on Alderaan. That is where they grew up until they joined in the Rebellion against the empire.

The family you are born into and raised is called?

Family of Orientation. The family in which you are born into, and/or are subsequently raised.

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Who raised Luke skywalker?

His aunt and uncle (Anakin's stepbrother and step-sister-in-law)

What was Luke Skywalker's father's name?

Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker was born on Tatooine. He had no Father. Anakin was raised by his mother, Shmi Skywalker. When he was 9 years old, Qui-Gon Jin gambled for him from Anakin's master. He was raised as a Jedi, and fell in love with and married Padme Amidala, Former Queen and Senator of Naboo. They had a secret marriage, and she became pregnant with Luke and Leia Skywalker. She died when she had them, and Obi-Wan Kenobi took them to Anakin's Step-brother and Step-sister-in-law, because Anakin turned to the Dark side.

Where does Princess Leia say where the Rebel base is located?

Dantooine (not to be confused with Tatooine where Anakin was born and where Luke was raised)

What planet did Anakin and Luke both spent their childhood on?

Yoda sends Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ben Kenobi) with baby Luke to Tatooine, a desert planet in the outer rim territorys where he could grow up while remaining hidden from his father(Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader).

How is Darth Vader luke skywalker's father?

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Never tried it, but, hey, try it and see what happens! The worst that could happen is you have raised, "bready", yeasty buns! They still would be good.

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the chlid or children need to be raised in a healthy environment that isn't surrounded by drugs and they need to be taught what can happen and what it does to your body and that its wrong.

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Sad, arrogant, but noble and will take huge risks for friends. Born on Coruscant. Raised on Tatooine by the Lars famliy Father was Anakin Skywalker, Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Owns droids originally from the Rebel Alliance but dating back to the clone wars. Gold droid: C3PO Blue and white droid:R2 D2

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