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Pretty dang freaky considering her bizarre triangle shaped nose

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Do a Google Image search. That would be far simpler than describing it here.

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Q: What would Lois Griffin look like in real life?
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What does Lois griffin look like in the virtual universe?

The same way she does now.

What does the day in the life of a royal child look like?

Griffin is the shizznit!!!

Which Family Guy episode does Chris have a girlfriend that looked just like Lois?

Stewie Griffin the Untold Storyor more specificallyBango-O Was His Name-O

How did the griffin die?

Griffins are creatures of Greek mythology. They'll never die they have a life cycle. So to answer your question "the griffin" didn't die, "a griffn" died. Just like this wonderful answer above, they DO have a life cycle, just like phoenixes! Griffins lived a long time, and when they die, they will get reborn

What does a griffin behave like?

the griffin is part lion and eagle it has eagle wings so that's how a griffin can fly

What does Griffin like in Harvest Moon a Wonderful Life Special Edition?

Griffin likes Trick Blue flowers, Marinade, and Muffy, so make her happy (just be a little nicer to your potential wife) and Griffin will give you a record called Summer Memories that you can play at home.

What does a griffin look like?

Well, a Griffin is a mythical monster, and it has the body and tail of a lion, and the head and wings of an eagle. If you watch the Spider Wick Chronicles film, there is a Griffin in that, so watch that and you will see what a Griffin looks like! :D

What does the griffin represent?

The Griffin represents power, strength, majesty and it is most like the lion and the eagle because a griffin is half and half

That the rosens would have a better life in sewden Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

In "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry, Ellen Rosen and her parents would have a better life in Sweden because it was a neutral country during World War II and provided a safe haven for Jewish refugees. Ellen's family would be protected from the Nazis and have the opportunity to rebuild their lives without fear of persecution. Sweden's policies towards refugees during the war allowed many Jewish families like the Rosens to find safety and support.

How do you do a Stewie Griffin impression?

Peter Griffin has a Rhode Island/Eastern Massechusettes accent, like a Jewish/American accent. He pronounces words, like Lois does, such as 'tomorrow' like 'tomorra', words such as 'Peter' like 'Peeyta' and words such as 'scarf' like 'scehrf'. The pitch of his voice is quite high.

Is John Howard Griffin African American or Caucasian?

he is Caucasian, when he wrote "Black like Me" he took medication to turn his skin dark so he could try and pass for a black man to see what his life would be like, this book is a must-read for everyone who would like to make a difference and help over come prejudice.

What unusual kindness does the college student show griffin in black like me?

He walked Griffin to a theater 2 miles away from his home and offered to walk him back. When Griffin offered to buy him a ticket and asked the student to join him the student refused and said he had to get back to his studies. But he said he would be glad to pick up Griffin after the film. Grifffin was stupified.