minorly gory, brilliant, complex, amazing , decisive, wonderful, selective, Awesome, confusing, fantastic and there are many more
(i just can't be bothered to write them down)
what is the ar questions of breaking dawn
the baby in breaking dawn has got wings but it hides them in his back
no Selena Gomez is not in the twilight saga breaking dawn.
yes in breaking dawn read chapter 19
There are monologues in Breaking Dawn because the author wanten to show us different perspectives...
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer has roughly 188500 words in it.
With words.
im not sure but go on Google images and type Mackenzie foy and that's who is playing renesmee in breaking dawn
Um...there are some words that rhyme with Breaking and Dawn. But if you put them together than they would not make sense. So...
The most disturbing part in Breaking Dawn is chapter 5. they describe weird stuff. i swear the movie is gonna be rated R
Chapter 18: There are no words for this
That's a good question. Twilight was mentioned twice, new moon once i think and eclipse and breaking dawn nil. But I'm Darn sure it wasn't
that bella's full name
over 750 pages
pale gray :) but in the movie it is black
Breaking Dawn will be PG-13.
in means a verge of breaking dawn