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High School Musical 3: Senior Year is about the senior prom and their last year together on the school, I guess.

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Is there a High School Musical 3 this year?

Yes. High School Musical 3 will be coming out soon.

Is high school musical 3 coming out on the television?

No High School Musical 3 will be shown in theaters.

What are the High School Musical movies in order?

The first High School Musical movie was just called High School Musical. The second High School Musical movie was called High School Musical 2. The third High School Musical movie is called, High School Musical 3: Senior Year.

What year were the kids from high school musical?

High School Musical 1: Juniors High School Musical 2: Junior/Senior summer High School Musical 3: Seniors

When did the start of filming of high school musical 3?

High School Musical 3 was filmed just after the 1st High School Musical was just brought out to the televisoin and on DVD.