Thomas Hobbes had a very pessimistic view of human nature. He had called man's life, among other things, solitary, nasty, and short.
Euell Gibbons
Marcel says through communicate through silence is a link between thoughts of man
Many people confuse man vs nature and man vs environment... Man vs environment is when man faces off against the natural world in which he lives - hurricanes, tidal waves, trapped on an island and has to survive (ex. Castaway, Blue lagoon, the Perfect Storm, one can argue the Titanic...) Man Vs Nature is man vs the nature of something - not mother nature. Trying to change the way something is. Good vs evil, for example. Good is good, and will always be good - evil is evil. Redemption stories often fall in this category. Several vampire stories or werewolf stories - (Angel, Twilight, Frankenstein, The devil vs daniel webster comes to mind, Hellboy) There are elements of man vs self depending on point of view - but if the hero uses the nature of his enemy against it, or is undone by the nature of his allies... Remember the story of the turtle and the scorpian ... the scorpian is at the side of the river and sees a turtle about to cross it - asks the turtle to give him a ride on his back. The turtle says "No, you'll sting me." The scorpian replies, "But, if I do, then we'll both drown." The turtle sees the logic in this, and agrees. About half way across the river, the Scorpian can't resist the temptation and stings the turtle. As they are both drawn under the waves the turtle asks, "But why did you sting me; now we'll both drown!" The scorpian replies "It is my nature."
The cast of Curse of the Axe - 2012 includes: Wolf Thomas as Antler Man
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes wrote the book Leviathan.
Thomas Hobbes believed that the natural state of man was one of conflict and competition, where everyone sought to preserve their own interests. He argued that in such a state, life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" unless there was a social contract to establish order and protect individuals from each other.
i think thomas hobbes is a very intelligent man! but his book the LEVIATHAN is very strang..
Some of Thomas Hobbes' notable works include "Leviathan," "De Cive," and "Behemoth." These works delve into political philosophy, social contract theory, and the nature of human nature and government. "Leviathan" is his most famous work, outlining his views on the necessity of a strong central authority to maintain social order.
Social contract theory holds that in earliest history man lived in a state of nature. No government existed. Each man was only as secure as his own power and mental awareness could make him. There views would be as pre-enlightenment thinkers.
Philosopher, Thomas Hobbes most important contributions are social contract theory and political philosophy. Hobbes believed man operated solely based on his own self-interests. Man's animal nature allows him to live independently without regard for others. The only escape from this 'State of war,' is to enter into a social compact in which a portion of man's rights must be surrendered to achieve the ideal of security in a social existence.
Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes described the state of nature as a condition of war of every man against every man, where life was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. In this state, there was no common power to keep individuals in check, leading to a constant state of conflict and insecurity. Hobbes believed that to escape this state of nature, individuals must enter into a social contract to form a commonwealth with a sovereign authority.
The early philosopher who argued that man is inherently evil was Thomas Hobbes. He believed that without authority and strict control, humans would act in a selfish and violent manner, leading to a state of perpetual conflict.
Thomas Hobbes was an important enlightenment thinker. In his masterpiece Leviathan he said that people by nature were selfish and ambitious. He believed that the type of government needed to control this was absolute monarchy. It was a king of social contract or agreement among members of society, people submitted to an authoritarian ruler to prevent disorder. Although he was a monarchist , his idea of a social contract was important for the developement of democracy.(The answer is in italics in the end.)