I don't know, but she talks from the back of her throat. So annoying. I can't believe someone with a voice like that could get hired for commercials.
A person could watch Man Laws commercials on the television. Alternatively, they can be viewed on the online video site YouTube. Many commercials can be viewed here.
Mike McGlone
" Hey, You woodchucks quit chucking my wood."
The girl is Luba Bocian and she is riding in the mountains of Aspen Colorado. She has a website www.lubabocian.com
Nature Valleys Granola Bars
Ewell gibbons
The girl in the Nature Valley Granola Honey & Oats commercial is the model Maria Bergman.
I don't know, but she talks from the back of her throat. So annoying. I can't believe someone with a voice like that could get hired for commercials.
Yess !
General Mills.
Walmart, or Smith's.
Convict Lake
The beer company that created the Man Laws commercials is the Miller Brewing Company. The Man Laws commercials were a series of beer commercials that were inspired by the unwritten code by which men live by.
I was hiking at Webster falls in Hamilton On a while ago. There a film/production company there filming a granola bar commercial. Probably the same one
Nature Valley Low Fat Granola Cereal is made by General Mills. This cereal can be purchased wherever General Mills cereal is on the shelf. Some of these stores are, Walmart, Publix, and Family Fare.