The dwarves are Bilbo's friends for most of the Hobbit.
Bilbo was completely enchanted by the dwarves' music the first time they played (and sang) for him.
Yes, in chapter 9 the dwarves (but not Bilbo) were imprisoned by the Wood-elves in Mirkwood forest.
Eat them.
The dwarves left a note for Bilbo under the mantle clock. It stated that they would be awaiting him at 11 am sharp. Bilbo didn't get the note until 10 minutes before that and ran the whole way to be on time.
Gandalf said "Good-bye! Be good, take care of yourselves-and DON'T LEAVE THE PATH!"
Trust Mr. Baggins, be good, and "STAY ON THE PATH" on their travels through Mirkwood.
The dwarves are Bilbo's friends for most of the Hobbit.
Bilbo gets drawn into the dwarves' song and was completly enchanted by it.
He says that the dwarves wont give Bilbo any gold, and that the Dwarves ar ejust using him.
Bilbo was completely enchanted by the dwarves' music the first time they played (and sang) for him.
Bilbo was completely enchanted by the dwarves' music the first time they played (and sang) for him.
To enter through the back secret passage of the hill.
Yes, the wizard(Gandalf) likes Bilbo very much. It is by the will of Gandalf that Bilbo comes along with the dwarves for the quest. His concern for Bilbo can be seen when all the dwarves come out from goblin's cave but Bilbo remains behind. Gandalf continues to visit Bilbo even after the end of dwarves quest.
There were 13 dwarves. Bilbo was added to the party to make it 14 and avoid having an unlucky number.
Bilbo is hired by 13 dwarves as a thief or burglar, as well as to make the party 14 rather than 13.
If Gandalf and the dwarves did not show up to rescue him, Bilbo Baggins had a plan to make his way through the tunnels to locate them. However, he is saved from that undertaking when he hears the dwarves and Gandalf talking.