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Nobody, Not Even Scientists, Know How He Died, But there Are 1 Million Ways He Could Of Died...

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

he died in ice on a glacier.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

the warrior theory

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โˆ™ 4y ago

Scientists used to think that he died of hypothermia or freezing, but when they found an arrow-head lodged in his back, and that there wasn't a a scar near the wound, that meant that the wound never healed and Otzi died of a shot in the back.

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Why did otzi the iceman have tattooes?

It has been much debated about why Oetzi was in the Alps when he died. The earliest theory is that he died during a winter storm. A more recent theory is that he was killed as part of a ritual sacrifice.

What did Otzi the Iceman do every day?

One theory is that died while on a raiding party at the time of his death. Nothing is certain regarding his daily life.

What effect did the cold weather have on Otzi the Iceman?

he froze shrivled up and died

When did ร–tzi the Iceman die?

5,000 years ago it was 3000B.C.

How old is otzi the iceman?

Otzi, The Iceman, Is About 5,000 Years Old...If the iceman were to be alive today then he would have been 5,300 years old.But when he died he was 45-50 years old.

Where was Otzi or the Iceman last seen before he died?

Otzi, also known as the Iceman, was last seen alive in the ร–tztal Alps near the border between Austria and Italy. His mummified remains were discovered in 1991 in the Schnalstal glacier in Italy, where he had died over 5,000 years ago.

Who was Otzi the iceman?

Who was this man? Otzi the iceman is a high altitude hunter as you can see by his arrows bows and animal blood he was following an ancient trade route when he died. At death he was between 40 and 50 years old and suffered from a number of medical conditions Where did he come from? Otzi the iceman came from south of the Otzal Alps. When did he live? Otzi was believed to of been alive from 3365 B.C to 3041 B.C. Why was Otzi in this area? To look for goods to possibly trade. How did he die? Otzi was murdered. Ambushed by his enimies Facts 1. The body must have been covered with snow almost immediately. 2. 5 feet 2 inches tall - about the size of most of your sixth and fifth graders 3. The iceman died with his killer standing over him.

What happened to Otzi the ice man?

otzi was taken to Austria and researched on. since it was found in Italy, Austria only got it for 3 years and the time for departure from Austria back to Italy was kept secret just in case if some one tried to attack.

What are the most asked questions about Otzi?

The most commonly asked questions about Otzi the Iceman are about his discovery, how he died, his age and lifestyle, and what his remains have taught us about the past. People are also interested in his clothing, equipment, and the circumstances surrounding his death.

What was the iceman doing in the mountains?

There are many theories of why Otzi was in the mountains. One theory is that he was being sacrificed to the mountain gods because he was fund with an arrow head in his left shoulder.Another theory is that he was in a fight and was killed by a bow and arrow. No one will ever truly know why Otzi was found in the mountains.

Why was there a square mark in Otzi the iceman's ear lobe?

The square mark found in Otzi the Iceman's ear lobe is believed to have been caused by a rudimentary form of ear piercing or possibly a medical treatment involving incisions or points of bloodletting. The exact purpose or significance of the mark is still uncertain.

Who was Konrad Spindler?

Konrad Spindler was an Austrian archaeologist most well known for his involvement with Otzi the Iceman, a naturally preserved neolithic mummy found in the Alps. He died in 2005 of complications associated with multiple sclerosis.