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Mystery Was The Name Of SpongeBob's Sea Horse. =]

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14y ago

It Was Mystery!

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Q: What was the name of sponge bob's pet the sea horse?
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What was the name of sponge bobs pet see horse?


Has sponge bobs pet Gary got a girlfriend?

He did for a while on one episode.

What is SpongeBobs pets name?

Gary the snail. He is sponge bobs pet. He has been in many episodes. Also he doesn't like Squid ward. His favorite babysitter is Patrick

What is a name for a pet horse?

a sea horse

What is billy bobs pet on varsity blues?

a pig

What was spongebob pet horse name?

Mystery. ????????????????????????????????????????????????

What is a good name for horse and pet sitting?

horsesitting and petsitting

How do you get the soap on the sponge in webkinz?

You have to pour the soap into the bathtub, then with your sponge just go over your pet!

Is a horse wild or a pet?

for me,it is a pet

What did sponge bob name the seahorse that became his friend?

his pet is a sea snail named Gary.

Name an animal that you're sometimes allowed to pet at the zoo?

horse, monkey, goat, sheep

How do you wash your Movie Star Planet pet?

click on your pet if it is in your house you will see a blue sponge click it and keep on clicking on your pet to wash it