His name is Jeremy. Piper vanquished him by using a rose, and thorns were coming out of his body.
The father of Prue, Piper & Phoebe Halliwell is Victor Bennett.
Kit is the name of the cat on Charmed.
Paige's last name on Charmed is Matthews.
Piper's real name on Charmed is Piper Halliwell, portrayed by Holly Marie Combs.
Her daughters name was Prudence Melinda Halliwell
in season 2 the charmed ones visit the future and piper has a daughter i don't remember what her name was but in the season 9 comics of charmed piper has a daughter named Melinda
The father of Prue, Piper & Phoebe Halliwell is Victor Bennett.
Her first son is named Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. The youngest one is named Chris.
Wyatt Matthew Halliwell "Wyatt" after his father Leo Wyatt. "Matthew" after his aunt Paige Matthews and Halliwell from Halliwell :P
Andy: Prue's on and off boyfriend Darryl: Andy's friend, later also from the sisters.
Billy Warlock's birth name is William Alan Leming.
Dick Warlock's birth name is Richard Anthony Leming.
Peter Warlock's birth name is Philip Arnold Heseltine.