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There were many things written on the map, but one of the most important things was, "Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light will shine on Durin's Day will shine upon the key-hole."

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Q: What was the message on the map in The Hobbit?
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Five feet high the door, and three may stand abreast.

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It was Elrond Halfelven of Rivendell that not only identified the swords, but also told them what the map said and identified the moon runes.

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The River "Running" ~ look to the link below to a map .

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Thráin gave the map and key to Gandalf when the latter discovered the former in the dungeons of Dul Guldur in Southern Mirkwood in the year 2850 of the Third Age.

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He warned them about the creatures and things in Mirkwood.

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A hobbit barrow is referred to as a 'smail.'

Where is the message board on binweevils?

Its in Inks orange Peel Located at the bottem of the map

How do you send a message to Ella on Disney's superbia?

You click on the map and then you click on Ella's house. This will allow you to visit Ella's house Once there click on the message and it allows you to send her a message!

How do you send ella a message on Disney superbia?

You click on the map and then you click on ella's house. This will allow you to visit Ella's house Once there click on the message and it allows you to send her a message!