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Q: What was pinocchio's dad called in the movie?
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Is their a movie about a teen dad keeping the kid?

Yes, there is a movie called "A Boy Called Dad". And there is also a movie on Lifetime that is about a 15 year old fighting for the right to keep his daughter.

What is the name of the movie Gregs dad is watching in the movie Friday?

The movie that Craig's dad is watching in the movie Friday is called Car Wash.

What was the place called Lichtenstein the dad in the movie Baby Geniuses was referring to?

Watch the movie, it's in there.

What movie does a boy ride a horse to his dad returning from the navy?

The movie is called Flash. I loved this movie too. :)

What is the name of pinocchios girlfriend?

mareme eswai its spelled *esawi

What actors and actresses appeared in Pinocchios Abenteuer - 1959?

The cast of Pinocchios Abenteuer - 1959 includes: Ferdinand Felsko Rudolf Fleck Lotte Gunner Sepp Klose Otto Stark

What do you call Jims father in American pie the movie?

Jim's dad is called Jim's dad. The actor is Eugene levy

Who is the dad in Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie?

The person who plays Gregory's father in the movie is called Steve Zahn.

What is the movie called where the clue is the song the dad used to sing?

i believe it was Vin Diesel's 2005 movie The Pacifier.

Was the shoemaker one of pinocchios friend?

Yes the shoemaker was one of pinichos friends

What is that movie called with the Chinese girl who becomes a guy and fights in a war for her dad?
