Susan Cavallari and Clint Walker were married in 1997. Susan's occupation before she married Clint is not known. Susan is half-Sioux.
WHAT is Jeremy Walker?HE is HUMAN.*check your grammar first before you post a question. it can be misleading.*
Yes he is married. Before she married him her name was Adriana Tuchnya
Not before she married Edward Cullen.
No one
"Before you knew you owned it" by Alice Walker was written in 2003.
Marilyn Monroe was very young when she was married so she didn't have a job as she was continuously moving around to avoid being in foster care.
WHAT is Jeremy Walker?HE is HUMAN.*check your grammar first before you post a question. it can be misleading.*
No, "occupation" should not be capitalized before another noun unless it is part of a proper noun or at the beginning of a sentence.
He was a lawyer
He was a labourer.
he is a
i dnt know this